Sunday, April 25, 2010

Cafe Orlin

Well, after having my last brunch ever at Cafe Orlin I felt the need to write a little note just to make sure that all those dang dummys over there know how much I love and will miss them. Last Sunday when you all came to our party I remember looking over and thinking, "i'm leaving my family". And that's what you all are. We laughed, we cried, we made fun of eachother, we talked about eachother, we banged, we partied, we did it all. And I'm going to miss each and every one of you so so much. Good luck with those east villagers, cappucinos, and pota-hota-wata's. LOVE LOVE LOVE TIMES A MILLION. Please keep in touch, Love Rachellaa xoxo

1 comment:

  1. oh rach. if only you knew how much you shall be missed. i think i speak for everyone when i say how proud i am of you! im also mad at you for leaving...but if you promise to post pics and give updates all the time, i'll get over it soon enough.
    youre so DANG dumb!
    love your guts and your face and ill be damned if i can't find someway to freeze-dry and send you a few chicken sandwiches from time to time. maybe i'll throw in a few millet pancakes just for you joanna.

    AHH. i miss you already. now i hate orlin because you're not there.

    pulia...i mean julia
