Monday, February 07, 2011

And change of plans!

Alrighty... well... the man that I live with has informed me that because he is going through a divorce and they are battling with money and their son that I won't be able to stay after this month. Haha... awesome. Now what to do....

Sunday, February 06, 2011

I was wrong

There is a lot of culture and diversity in Florida. I just have not explored enough of it. I also live in a town that is mostly retirees.
In need of people my age haha

How dare us....

So selfish we are to not post for almost a month!!! My deepest apologies to our followers. Let's do some updating. We are still in Florida... for a couple reasons. First and most obvious, the weather. It was impossible to pack up the car and attempt to get anywhere when the entire country seems to be under extreme weather crisis. I'll stay in 80 degree la la land. Secondly, it is technically "Season" here, which to everyone down here really means "Busy Season" they have just abbreviated it I guess, so for the most part our restaurants are pretty busy. Jo's is a little newer so they still have good days and bad days. Mine is steadily busy but the inevitable over-staffing is occurring so not every night is as lucrative as I would like. For December and January, thanks to my awesome family, we were able to stay in their condo down here. But of course since it's "season" it makes the most sense to make money on the place so they rented it out. As Jo and I scrambled to make up our minds about our next move we came to the conclusion that maybe it would be a good idea to live separately for a bit. I'll spare all the details, or let Jo describe it all since she is the better writer. I am living with a 24 year old beautician, a 50-something year old mad scientist/musician with a 13 year old Justin Beiber look-a-like son, a golden retriever named Sully, a beagle named Snoopie, and a fish. Boy did my life change drastically. I must say though that I have only been here a week and am learning an insane amount about life and myself. This whole adventure has taught me a lot but now I'm thinking it's just showing me how weird everywhere is and that New York is where I'm meant to be =) Or that stereotypes really do come from truth. My boss Yosi from Cafe Orlin in New York said before I left, "Don't get stuck in Florida. I spent a year and ran out of there. I need culture and so do you." It seems that people are either born, raised and stay here forever, or people escape from their lives and hide out here. It is interesting to say the least. I hope to see more parts of Florida before we depart. As for now, everything is sort of up in the air but I'll figure it all out eventually. Any other 25 year olds out there questioning everything??? I miss my friends and both my families a lot. I love you all =) Happy Super-bowl Sunday everyone!!!!! Go Packers!!!!