Thursday, December 02, 2010

On to destination #3!!!!

December 2nd, 2010... we drive out of Monroe with Palm trees and beaches in sight!! I must say I haven't thought about Boston nearly the way I thought about Denver. I miss my friends but other than that I can't say I ache to go back. The best part about driving down to florida, for me, is that it gets warmer and warmer the further we get!! I'm so glad I got to go into the city Monday night. Even if it was a short time it always reminds me that the city isn't going anywhere. It really is my home and I'll miss it until I see it again. As soon as I stepped out of the path train til the minute I got back on I was grinning ear to ear. Everytime I go back I have a new and different appreciation for it. Also, the christmas shops were open a week early this year so that was a little bonus =) I love those things. So we're taking the "outline" approach to our road trip this time. We had originally planned on stopping and staying a lot but then we got eager to get there haha. Hopefully I will see my family soon though cuz I do miss them. Anyways... Happy December everyone!! Enjoy your shopping and holiday season... I know I have a lot to be thankful for lately. I'm getting used to this adventure thing that's for sure. Love to my second family who took such good care of us the past couple days... as always =) And to my family... see you in Florida in less than three weeks!!!! Love, Rachie