Friday, July 15, 2011

looking forward

So we're still not crazy about San Francisco but we do have some things to look forward to and be happy about. First off, we went and saw Harry Potter last night at midnight. Thumbs up to that. Secondly, we've signed up for another endurance event! You all know we did the New York City Triathlon two years ago. Well we just signed up for Tough Mudders NorCal. It's Sept 18th and is a ten mile long obstacle course/run around a mountain. You basically run 10 miles hitting about 20 obstacles along the way designed by the British Special Forces. Ice cold water, electric shock, 2300 feet of elevation gain, 15ft cliff jumps, 12 foot walls, and lots of mud are all involved. We're raising money for Wounded Warrior Project which helps vets from Afghanistan and Iraq that have been wounded. Here's my donation page, I would really really appreciate any contributions. Even if it's just five dollars, it would show me that you support me.
My friend Becca from work also signed up to do it with us. It's in Squaw Valley, CA, close to Tahoe.
In other news, Rachel's birthday is this week!! I'm taking her to Napa for a romantic weekend. I don't want to ruin any events so I'll leave the details for after we return. It should be a fantastic time. Dangerous to send two foodies that like to pretend they're rich when they're not over to Napa. Very very dangerous. But we make great money at our jobs, which luckily, we both love. We spend our days working and working out in whichever order is more convenient. We talk about going to NY every day. We can't wait. We're looking forward to settling down and going back to school just as much as we were looking forward to adventure over a year ago. I'm already having stress about telling my job even though it's still a few months away (end of October). I promised them I was here to stay when I was hired and they were nervous about trusting me. How can they expect me to live somewhere I don't like though?
Linda is gone for two weeks on vacation. Tuck, the roommate who moved out when we moved in is staying with us while she's gone and then he's going to move in permanently. We're babysitting his mom's dog. I very old, very fat, very soft and sweet one-eyed pug named Maggie. I never want her to leave. Did I mention she's very very fat? Did I mention she only has one eye? Her strange barks sound more like a mix between a baby crying and a pig squeeling. Nothing like a dog which makes her all the more charming. ....she's so fat. She's hilarious. I still can't pinpoint exactly why we don't like San Francisco, but we really really don't. Maybe a huge part of it is that we're homesick and so ready to settle, for now. I can't wait to get the nursing ball rolling and to go apartment hunting and have a home again with Rach, where we can live exactly how we want to. This is also way too far from family. Way way too far. Even if we loved it here I don't think we'd be able to stay so far. Just knowing everyone is so far away makes me miss them more. Since we make such good money we're staying until the end of October and after Napa we're turning our dials onto save mode. It feels nice to look forward to home. Adventure was awesome but it's definitely time to wrap things up. Scroll back up the blog and don't forget to donate please!! -lj