Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I'm 25 years old

So I have finally recovered from my birthday week! My parents came into town the morning of my birthday, of course after being delayed in Chicago. And to my surprise, my best friend Melissa was with them!!! Thanks to Joanna my amazing girlfriend who knows the best present ever!!!! So long story short we had a blast. We took them all around downtown and up to red rocks and out to eat about every 2 hours haha. By the end we had drank and ate ourselves to the max. We even contemplated them staying til Sunday. But everyone has to get back to "real life" eventually. Good for us we're on an adventure so our "real life" is pretty exciting anyway haha. As for now... we are deciding our next destination and trying to enjoy the last 4 weeks in Denver. We stayed here a little longer then anticipated but that's ok. It's amazing here. Any ideas or suggestions for our next journey feel free to post =) Also, if anyone knows someone who needs a sublet that helps too!! Happy end of July everyone... onto August soon. xoxo