Sunday, May 08, 2011

Blah Blah...irrelevant.

Ok as important as it is to write some sort of general update- I'm not going to right now. However I do have quite the story. Once I sit down in San Fran (where we will finally arrive Tuesday), you will hear all about driving through the Rockies, Rach's unfortunate altitude sickness, her spider bit thats eating away her leg, almost hitting two cows with our car and other things. But for now, at this moment, there is something that I must tell you immediately. So, we arrived in L.A last night around 7pm. Christina wouldn't be home until around 9 from work so we stopped to grab a bite to eat...blah blah blah...irrelevant. Fast forward, Christina comes home, we sit and chat for fifteen minutes and we decide to go out so Christina can get some dinner. We decide to walk to the strip in her neighborhood with all the restaurants. We're walking...the neighborhood is fantastic...blah blah blah...irrelevant. We get to the place Christina had in mind and she stops outside the door. 'I don't want to go here anymore' she says. Okay. 'I think we should go to this restaurant over here'. She turns around and goes through some alley and cafe we hadn't even seen at first. A beautiful restaurant dining room appears in front of us. Coincidentally, the restaurant is called "Cafe Stella". The name of my restaurant in Denver! Lovely fact, however...blah..this fact is irrelevant. We approach the hostess and say we'd like to eat and have a drink. She takes the three of us to a table where Christina sits across from Rachel and I. After I settle down in my seat I looked up to Christina who all of a sudden had a big "secret secret" look on her face and she was leaning forward slightly to be sure that no one could hear her. 'Did you guys notice who's behind me?'. Neither of us had. We looked up and over Christina. They're was a cute baby hanging over a woman's shoulder. We smiled. We like babies. 'Aw, what a cute baby.' We say. Chistina swilveled in her chair to see the baby. She tells us, no, that's not who she meant. 'Oh.' We scan the room. I saw him first. He was sitting with a woman at a two top (a two person table) and was facing us. He was wearing skinny jeans, a plain gray tee-shirt, and a red wool hat that seemed more fitted for winter than L.A in May. He was chatting with a woman with a full head of redish purpley, beautiful, curely hair. We'd been in L.A maybe three hours at this point and what are the odds that out of all the celebrities walking around this city....this is who is sitting only feet away from us. I'll give you a moment to guess. .............. ............ .............Can you guess? Out of all the celebrities! Who is sitting next to us? You need more time? ..................... Micheal Cera! Micheal freakin Cera! My twin! I can't possibly tell you how often I hear I look like him. Almost at least once a day. We respected his privacy and never approached him. Even on his way out. The table next to us asked him for a picture which he was very nice about. You could tell though, that he wished they wouldn't have asked. I had day dreams throughout dinner of him approaching me instead saying "hey! you know you look just like me!". I would smile and tell him that he was mistaken. It was actually he who looked like me and we would have a laugh, take a picture together and be lifelong friends who look very much alike. The three of us tried to chat about normal things but kept getting distracted by my dopelganger in the bright red hat. Thankfully, he left about ten or fifteen minutes after we got there so we could gain back our focus. I wonder if he noticed at all that I looked like him (since everyone else does), but I'd bet he didn't. The best part is that on our way out Christina caught the conversation of a few men standing outside. They were I guess talking about how Micheal Cera had been in the restaurant. We walked by them since they were standing by the door. The last thing Christina caught of the conversation was "Oh, look, he's back! Oh, wait, thats not him.". Today we went on a pretty hike. Although compared to last night and the run in with my famous twin...thats pretty irrelevent. -lj


  1. no. flippin. wayyyyyy!!!! ahhhhh that is amaze. and very well told always.

  2. so well told Jo! Loved having you here :) I told you I read your blog!
