Thursday, September 30, 2010

rach, where did you put your computer?

I don't even know what to tell you. I'm afraid my "all is well" attitude and witty charm went out the kitchen window along with our computer, i pod and cash. Not to mention our sense of safety, comfort and any love for Boston that we may have acquired our first week in this rain cloud of a city. Now I know what you're thinking. 'You girls have been through so much and everything has worked out! You can't let this get you down! Chin up and look to the future!' Well, my caramel coated candy stripe, let me say this to you... shut..the hell...up. We are the one's since our break in happened that have been stepping in shit because we keep walking with our chins up. Plenty of unblogged events have happened since the moment of our break-in and I don't know if its the lack of happy background music in our lives (our i pod was taken) but our luck has certainly yet to turn its pretty little self around. We haven't given each other this many pep talks since our first "Business of Acting" class in college when we were told we were basically doomed to fail unless we agreed to sell our souls. Every other hour is spent reminding the other one why we have to stay here until the agreed move out date in Novemeber. After an hour of weary peace goes by, we then switch and its the other ones turn to review the reasons we can't just walk away. It's an exhuasting cycle and neither of us can kick the fact that really just want to leave. Yes, we liked Boston in the beginning. Who wouldn't like exploring a fun new place while not having to work? Now Rach has her job, granted a good one, and I have my "internship". I call it my internship because I make awful money but stick with it as it is a significant resume builder. We've actually seriously talked about living in Monroe for the next month and half before going to Florida. Possibly even commuting, by train, everyday from Monroe to the city. The safety of running home to family seems so irressistable. However, we must remember that unfortunatly, we are adults and we have made a commitment. We can't use this robbery as an excuse to leave. We were secretly not so crazy about Boston after our first week, but now we can just be honest about it. We will try to make the best and we will try to stop thinking everyone else on the street is following us. It just might take some time. And if we still hate it... its only two more months. We've decided to use Boston for its money and lay low so in Florida it can really be a brand new start. I am sorry to report though, that we're counting down the days till we get to bust outa here. Job wise, we're decently happy. We just work a lot and our schedules don't work great together. We do our best to work around our schedules and to work with our bosses so we get time together. Rach landed a really great job. They totally respect her and she makes awesome money. I enjoy my job, however, I work my ASS off and make very little money. One of the other backwaiters asked me why I was a backwaiter...he was wondering because I'm American and my first language is English, so why would I be a backwaiter. Nice. There are five backwaiters that work there. Only two of us were born in America. Clio is going to look great on my resume, but if I were going to live here any longer than two more months I would never stay. No, I can't be a server. Being a server at Clio takes months of training. I won't even be here long enough for them to consider making me a server. I'm learning a lot all the same. I'll keep you up to date on our struggles. Lock your windows. -lj

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