Wednesday, July 14, 2010

our new LOST

It appears we've replaced ABCs LOST with our own life size version. We seem to find ourselves at a cross road at the moment and every twenty minutes we want to go a different direction. Do we stay? Do we continue? Do we go back to NY? It's a very tough call and depending on our surroundings at the moment, they all have their times of making sense. We've still got this acting bug napping at our feet whenever we see a good movie or watch a musician perform. We feel a sense of comfort and fun when we're out with Liz, Rachel's boss/our best friend here. And when we watch Anthony Bourdain travel the world and experience things that eventually mold him into the super totally awesome guy that he is... we want to keep this adventure going no matter how far away we feel it takes us from growing up. I keep trying to justify that traveling can be a way of growing up because it makes you smarter, more aware, well traveled (obviously) and more adventurous...not to mention more understanding and more tolerant of things you perviously didn't understand. My life has always seemed to just work out well when I follow my heart so why wouldn't this? I like relying on my instincts and making decisions based on gut alone rather than throwing reason into the mix which never really did anyone any good in my opinion. As much as I'd love to sit here and philosophize my life into understanding in blog world, Rachel and I must leave to catch yet another movie. It seems to be one of our favorite things to do. It's the new Pixar movie which is a guaranteed good time. I'm looking forward to not only the movie but the touching and adorable cartoon that will play before the movie begins. I love that Pixar has those! Thankfully cartoons don't make us miss acting the way real people movies do, so I'm excited for a good day! -lj

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhhh.....what to choose? You will have an
    entire life where you continue to ask that
    question over and over again.
    But for this time in your life...its
    choosing one out of three.
    My only deadline date. The
    end of August or the end of December. It doesn't matter. Just stay put until your gut
    yells at you.........................xxooxx lm
