Friday, January 06, 2012

Don't worry it's not over til we say it is!

Happy New Year everyone! Hope everyone had an amazing and not-too-stressful holiday season. 2012 is a big year for us adventurers. Although we are temporarily turning in our travel shoes and slapping on our grown-up shoes we figured we would keep the blog going for anyone who is still interested in what we get ourselves into in this "real world" that everyone speaks of. And... Joanna is an incredible writer and will need a good outlet when she's stressed out with science classes. And... sometimes the spirit moves me to write an update here and there =) We finally made it back to Brooklyn and personally I am so happy to be back. New York is my home. I know where everything is, it's so easy to get around, and most importantly my friends and family are here. I wouldn't trade our traveling adventure for anything but there is a huge sense of relief to be back on steady ground. We are subletting a beautiful apartment just ten blocks from our old place in South Park Slope until May 1st. Everything is included which made for a very seamless transition. Then come mid-April we will be established enough to get our own place! More to come later....just wanted to say hi and we're still going!

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