Wednesday, December 22, 2010 the airport I go...

Hi everyone =) Rachel here. Hope everyone is getting all their last minute, oh shit i forgot that person, what about those decorations, damn i burnt the potatoes, shut up uncle EDs...accomplished happily. As I'm trying to clean every nook and crany of our condo I realized something pretty cool about what we're doing. So far everywhere that we have been... within the first couple of days, we make it our home. It's not just some random place, we really make it our own. It's almost like we get to practice making a home before we actually have a permanent one! haha well let me tell you... i must say we're getting pretty good at it. It's as "christmasy" in here as it can be for florida. And as I'm anticipating leaving to pick my family up at the airport I pictured that scene in Home Alone where they are all running through the terminal... how interesting it is that movies are based on reality. I'm sure they are doing that exact thing right now haha. Can't wait to see my family. Will definitely miss my other family in Monroe and of course I'll miss Jo. This is the longest we've been apart since americorps! I know gag you.. boo hoo haha. One of these years it would be great to all be together. Ya never know. Anyways... I feel really thankful this christmas for everything. I'm really lucky. And after the all the mumbo jumbo is over it comes down to spending time with the ones you love. Enjoy, happy holidays, happy new year... eat a lot... laugh a lot... and if you drink... well then drink ;-) Love you all. Love, Rach xoxoxooxox

Sunday, December 19, 2010

quick update

So we've both got jobs. Rach is at a nicer Italian place called "Samanthas" and I'm once again going corporate at "Gulfstream Cafe". We don't make much money now but "season" is supposed to start next weeks so we're hopeful. I like my job more than she likes hers. Weather's been ok. Patte now comes into our living room if we leave the doors open. We love her. We've been spending our time working and getting the house ready for the Popson clan. I'm leaving for Monroe on Thursday for Christmas. Can't think of any fun stories at the moment but I thought I'd drop in and give a breif update. -lj