Saturday, May 22, 2010

ok "followers"

So little does everyone know that Rachel and I both own our own diaries. This means that we are not writing in this blog everyday for our health. We do it for you, followers. Because we want to take the people we love and have them ride the wave with us. However, if no one besides our mothers (although yes you're most important) comments....we have nothing left to believe that no one else is following along with us. Please don't leave us in blog world alone. IF you're reading the blog, give us a little shout out once in a while. please. thank you. lj

Friday, May 21, 2010

Happy =)

Very happy for Jo that she found and got hired exactly where she wanted to work!! They loved her right away of course, and I'm really proud and happy for her. I told her today that I have to get a job because it's not fair that she has to share her money with me. I told her that she should be able to buy herself things with her money. And she replied, "No Rach, we're a family." Most amazing thing anyone has ever said to me. I feel extremely lucky. Hope everyone has a good weekend. We're hoping to go hiking tomorrow!!!! Rocky mountains here we come!!

lesson to learn

So after my mom called me and I reread last nights blog I think I and perhaps some of our followers have learned a valuable lesson.... don't drink and blog. C'mon mom, it wasn't THAT bad...

real life in Denver...take 1

Well I've finally done it. I'm gotten myself one of those job things i've been talking about looking for. It's a this fantastic little italian place a five minute car ride away. I get to wear whatever I want, there are no managers, and the people I work with are absolutely amazing. I had my first training day today. I went really well. The staff who were training me were actually shocked at the questions I was asking them about the menu.... I guess i've been trained well. I trained on the floor as a server tonight and tomorrow I'll train as a host and on sunday I will train for brunch. As for Rachel, we are fingers crossed, waiting to hear from Meade St. I can't imgagine how its not in the bad. Who wouldn't hire her? They'd have to be nuts. I think she'll totally be fine it just might take her a coulple of days longer to land on a good one but she always finds em. I'm no longer financially too worried about it. Hell, if anything I'm worried that the adventure could end here since we both absolutely love Denver. We will see what happends. I LOVE my job. i start officially next week. Good food, great people, good money. What more could i ask for. More to hear about tomorrow after training shift numbr two. I will talk to you all then. lj

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Life is good

The ducks are lining up =) Denver is awesome. Biggest adjustment: Getting used to walking down the street without having to dodge people haha Off to get our bikes tuned up and donate betty's old stuff.

Monday, May 17, 2010


It's very hard to look for jobs on craigslist when you're unfamiliar with the area. My tactic is to walk up and down a local, busy street and walk into every place I see. I had a dream last night Rachel and I took on a 200,000$ loan. -lj

Lobster face and arms

I'm red... on my face and huuurrts me. Totally worth every minute. Such a fun fun day =) On the Job hunt tomorrow... wish me luck =) xoxoox nite all

the great outdoors

So today we were finally able to play outside. We've been here almost a week and the weather has been awful the whole time, which is extremely rare for Colorado. The day started with meeting Adam, Rachel's friend from Buffalo who lives here, and Andy, his roommate for brunch at a place called Hi-Lo. We chose this place for brunch because of their super awesome totally cool brunch special which was three for one drinks. Three drinks for the price of one. We ordered the first round and received some very generously high in alcohol drinks that were also very large. Cheers. Denver is fantastic. I opted not to finish mine because I knew there was a fun day in the park ahead and did not want to get sleepy. My comrades however, continued to drink and be merry and all three of them ordered a few more rounds since, hey, it was three for one anyway. Then the bill came. $110. This must be a mistake! we say. After all, it IS three for one drinks and this waitress obviously forgot to push the "brunch drink special" button on her Aloha (restaurant touch screen program) and accidentally charged us $7 for each individual drink. We politely told our forgetful waitress that we were charged too much. Turns out..our bill was correct. The reason our drinks were so generously high in alcohol and very large was because the drink special is very sneakily three IN one. Three glass. Our table had actually consumed 27 brunch drinks and were only charged for 9 at $7 a pop. Very very sneaky. Now that I think about it, four people that consume 27 drinks before one in the afternoon deserve to get ripped off, so I guess I'm not that mad. After brunch we went to Washington park where Julie, my americorps life partner, met us and we played frisbee and football all day while lying in the sun with Beau the dog and drinking cold wheat beer from the can. Yet again, I decided to consume only one beer. However there were no beers left when we headed home, so you do the math. After a few hours in the park and some pretty nice tanning time (burning time for Rachel, Adam and Andy), we all went to a nearby place for dinner. I had the BEST beef brisket sandwich. The secret to this sandwich....the mustard. And very beautifully cooked meat. I couldn't finish it though due to me appetite that has been decreased from the altitude. But let me tell ya... it was really really good. More good news today! The first restaurant I gave my resume to, Trattoria Stella, called me today and left a message. I called them back and left a message. Awkward. I'm thinking I might just walk in there tomorrow or call again. I really want to work there. Cute little italian restaurant... and no uniform. Thats the kicker. Totally looks like my kinda place and i felt i should work there that first night we were here and ate there. Wish me luck everyone cause this job would be pretty perfect for me, Alright I think thats all for today. It was a good day. My girlfriend looks great with a tan so for the next week or so I'm sure she'll figure out that she can get me to do anything she wants good health to all my friends and family lj