Thursday, April 22, 2010

and oh...

p.s. Rach and I would love it if you commented on our posts so that we knew people cared about our blog. thank you. lj

final countdown

So today is Thursday and we're leaving NYC Monday. I have been living with a pretty badly pulled neck for nearly three weeks now and have developed an extremely bad cold. I have yet to experience any actual emotions about leaving in only a few days or quitting the secure job with benefits that I've had for over a year. I wish my body would stop manifesting its feelings in my physical discomfort. Ailments aside, things are going along smoothly. We have made the decision to sell all of our furniture rather than store it since moving our crappy furniture is going to cost more than its worth. I'm very happy with our new decision and the furniture is selling pretty well. Our stoop sale is this Saturday and hopefully we can get rid of most of our stuff there. The goal is more to not have to throw a lot of stuff out rather than trying to make money. But a few extra dollars are always welcome. We went to get our bike racks yesterday in Nyack. We called before hand to make sure they had the one we wanted, they said they did. After taking a detour to Nyack off our usual route from Monroe to Brooklyn, a man with a very roundabout way of speaking told us that our new bike rack would be delivered to their store on Wednesday. Delivered to their store. In other words, they have to order the item we need and they, in fact, do not carry the rack that we asked about only an hour before. Nice. This means that we have to take an extra trip to Monroe on Sunday specifically to drop the bikes off at my house since they need every inch of cargo space our car offers. This also means that on Wednesday, we have to drive back to Nyack and pick up the rack that absolutely better be there. I mean, the intelligent men who, apparently, didn't understand the first question we asked, said it would be there, so what could go wrong? For the rest of today and tomorrow, Rachel and I are living in a sort of 'moving limbo'. We are at the point where we can't so much take further steps until we see how successful our stoop sale will be. The nights that have been previously spent packing and "passionately discussing" which items to bring, sell, or my favorite, throw away, have now been replaced with nights of finding things and corners to clean, scrub and clear. I still attempt to throw everything I see away. As our huge To Do List shrinks, we're getting more and more excited about what all this work and planning has been for. Nine months is a long time to be planning something. Especially the past two months have been much more about the planning and less about the what we're planning for. It's starting to sink in that "it" is finally here. Smiles and laughing are coming more freely and we're really starting to allow the excitement to take over the stress and sadness that comes with leaving home. Only small, final steps have to be done now before we're officially professional adventurers. After working this hard for it, we absolutely can't wait. Three and a half more days. Oh no wait...we have to get the bike rack Wednesday. damnit. ...idiots. So three and a half more days and like...a little bit of Wednesday. -LJ (love joey)