Wednesday, November 09, 2011

travel light

Rach and I are currently in the process of repacking our car after the first half of our road trip. I thought it was best to stay committed to my "travel suitcase" during our time in Denver so I'm done packing while Rachel is trying to figure out how she got everything to fit the first time around. We've had a travel method all this time. For our road trips we each have of the smaller suitcases in which we live out of. The larger, "permanent" suitcases full of clothes we won't need for our travels remain in the car and untouched. We decided to take everything out of our car while we were in Denver so that our car didn't weigh a ton while we used it for the 10 days. I put my big permanent suitcase in a corner and haven't touched it while Rachel dove straight into hers. I'm done packing. I get to blog while I watch her pack. So far lots of success creating a good balance this road trip between fun and relaxation. AMC helped by putting on a 48 hour Rocky I-V marathon on television. I'm going to list my highlights of the trip so far so that I don't go into a big long narrative of each one, which I have a habit of doing.
My highlights so far
1. Seeing a few people of college in L.A.
2. Exploring the beach in Malibu with Christina and finding all the cool starfish. Also the big rock we climbed. (Sorry mom and dad)
3. Hiking with Christina and Rachel to the waterfall.
4. San Diego Zoo with Steph and Rach. (Even though we got to the tiger cage too late to see it)
5. Going into some random bar in San Diego to watch the World Series only to find it was a Bill's backer bar.
6. Seeing the homeless person selling lies for a dollar. (He was "selling Michael Jackson tickets and had good crack"
7. Playing drinking games around the kitchen table with Nick, Kim, Steph and Rach at the Army Post and then listening to Nick and Kim sing a song in the livingroom.
8. Listening to Rachel freaking out on the phone with Chase bank after realizing she left her ID, her debit card, her credit card and a piece of paper with both our banking account numbers on it at the last rest stop we were at.... 2 hours back.
9. Watching Rachel find all those things while she was still on the phone with Chase in the cranny of the car door.
10. Drinking beers in the hotel shower in Vegas.
11. Going to bed at 10pm and never leaving our Vegas hotel because we were drunk.
12. Taking Becca to see the mountains.
13. Going out to dinner with Becca and Liz at Rioja to eat artichoke and truffle tortelloni.
14. Seared kangaroo meat. (I hated it, Rachel liked it. I think it tastes like what you would expect dog to taste like)
15. Sushi with Julie and Kelsey.
16. Cuddling up and watching endless hours of Rocky movies.
17. Cheersing Rachel because she handed me a glass of wine while I'm blogging.
18. Getting my official Hunter E-mail address.
19. Running errands all day to restart roadtrip tomorrow.
20. Looking forward to everything to come.
Tonight we're going to Stella for dinner. Tomorrow we'll get up early and drive to Santa Fe for where we'll hang out for a little bit before we head over to Albuquerque. We'll spend the night there and head out early for Dallas. Thats supposed to be a pretty long trip and I really want to check out Roswell on the way. We'll see how time is I guess. Trips really going to pick up momentum now so we're pumped and ready to go! P.S-Rach seems to still be packing.

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