Thursday, August 18, 2011

in the mood for a quickie?

I'm sitting at the computer waiting for my friend Becca to come over and play in the park with me so I thought, hey, might as well update my friends. Last Sunday I played softball on my sister restaurants team and we won twice. I was MVP by default (I was batted in a lot) and had some of the best fun I've had since I've been here. I'm counting down the days to Sunday when i get to play again. Beers and softball at 10 in the morning on a Sunday is definitely on the top of my list. We play against other restaurants which for some reason, makes it more fun. I'm almost done with my new tattoo! I've sat for 7 hours total so far. It's on my right arm and is a half sleeve and its the most painful thing I've ever experienced. Every time I'm in the chair I'm amazed that I'm (well, Rachel) is paying someone an obscene amount of money to basically torture me. It's my birthday present and I was looking at it today and must say, its coming out beautiful. I kind of wish I had stuck with my original plan of a quarter sleeve instead of a half, but then everything would look smooshed and not as pretty. I'm hoping I only have one more session left. It's frustrating because I've been trying to work out a lot, training for race, and every time I get tattooed I have to take a few days off to heal. What else is new? I still like my job. Oh! How can I forget! I applied to college yesterday! I applied to four CUNY schools. It's basically just to take my pre-reqs for nursing school. I want to go to Hunter for nursing school so I hope I can take my prereqs there too. Uh oh. Becca is here. Guess we'll finish this up later. Adios! -lj

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