Thursday, October 14, 2010


I just recieved an email from my mother telling me thats its been seventeen days since my last blog posting. I haven't gone back to look at the blog to confirm this information, but if this is true, I must say that I'm truly disappointed in myself. I'm disappointed at how much I've let this stupid little robbery affect my life and relationship. Well no more of that. It's time to move on. I'm still going to check three times that everything is locked before I leave the house but I have to drop this "why me" attitude I've been holding onto. They're not coming back. And if they did, they would find all the windows locked anyway and would have to move on to the next house full of trusting adventurers. I'm also done feeling sorry for myself that I make no money at my job. (And I mean half the money I'm used to). I'm the one choosing to stay there and I don't have to stay there forever. I finally got a chance to go home this weekend. Rachel went into the city one of the days and I had the day to hang out with my parents and go for a drive by myself. I took my favorite route around an area sort of by my house. It's through the woods around a lake and it was a perfect day with perfectly colored leaves. I got out of the car for a while to sit next to the lake with my back against a tree and read my book. Aside from the ant I found crawling up my sleeve, it was a very grounding day. It let me breathe and remember who I was and what I wanted. I feel much better. Rach and had a very rough two weeks and re-evaluated our relationship. After crying our eyes out at the thought of no longer critisizing restaunts and driving across the country together, we shook off the crazy idea and our relationship is now better because of it. The adventure shall continue as will Team Bubbles (what we call ourselves). So...updates on the adventure. We have a pet mouse. His name is me. I refuse to kill him even though there are a million reasons to. I won't do it. Don't try to change my mind. I'll catch him if I can and let him free outside where I'm sure he'll just scurry back in. I've never actually seen Joey. I hear him and have left him tiny morsels in hopes of catching a glimpse. I then get bored, forget about watching the morsel and come back to find it gone. You're welcome little Joey. Rachel sees him all the time. It's a big joke that he is a figment of Rachel's imagination. A PTSD response to the robbery...she's manifested a tiny mouse friend so she never feels alone while I'm a work. If it weren't for the missing morsels and squeeks, I would actually consider this a possibility. Nevertheless, its still a fun joke we have. We went running for the first time yesterday since the robbery. It was the quintessential fall day and I ran my best time yet around the lake determined to come out of my mini depression better and stronger. Today, Rach and I rode our bikes to the Franklin Zoo where we realized how much we love cheetahs and discussed how we felt rude while staring at the gorillas. We also discovered that we can each jump six feet forward in a single bound (kangaroos can jump like thirty or something). I almost fell when I landed my jump so its safe to say Rach can jump perhaps a inch further than me. Little known fact about Rachel... she'd make a great predator. She ALWAYS spots the animals in the cages or tanks before I do. If I was an animal that had to hunt I would die in about a week swearing up and down that there just weren't any other animals in the jungle to eat. We also have a food love affair we haven't told you about. There's a sandwich shop down the street called "The Real Deal" and it is VERY difficult everyday at lunch time not to just go try one of the thirty something sandwiches they have. So far we've tried six of them and all were unbelievable. My favorite is the Cuban. We're pretty obssessed but we just went grocery shopping and probably won't be going there until the groceries are gone. Funny story quick...last night at Clio this ridiculous woman was at a table of six. Their bottle of wine had just been opened and she had basically decided she was the one who would be smelling and tasting the wine. The woman that was sitting next to her was four months pregnant and was not drinking. The ridiculous woman noses the wine immediatly after its poured. "Oh this is nice!" Eyes wide with excitment and brain void of any information that would justify her judgement of wine. She finally swirls the wine once around the glass (must have seen that in a movie) and smells again. Eyes grow even wider. "Oh my god! Smell that! That's fantastic!" She hands it to the pregnant lady to smell. The pregnant lady. Because she has "bionic" pregnant senses that will allow her to smell all the secrets of this wine. The pregnant lady says something about the wine I couldn't hear and gets the ridiculous lady all excited. Ridiculous lady smells the wine again and lights up. "It smells like celery! Oh my god! Celery! Can you believe that! Oh how weird, smell this! It does! It smells like celery! Oh this is amazing!" The pregant lady looks at her and corrects ms. ridiculous about what she said. This I couldn't hear either but Ms. R took a moment to pause as she processes what her friend said. "Oh soury! It smells soury? Oh... she smells it once last time and then proceeds to shove it in everyones nose that is within reach at her table. "It does kind of smell like celery though." Idiot. -lj

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear that Boston sucks so bad!! If you get a chance you should take the ferry over to P-Town, Joshua and I were there in August and we have decided that it will be where we retire someday. We are excited to hear you are headed to Florida!! Do you know where yet? We went to Ft Lauderdale in April and it was fun, but I don't think I would want to live there. I do love Key West though, that will be where we have our other house when we retire. (I plan on winning the lottery next year so I cam afford all these plans or I may just pimp Joshua out). I am sure you have been told already, but you girls should get renters insurance, it is really cheap. Let us know where you are gonna be in FL, I just got a promotion at work so I get paid vacations now, we may have to pop down and see ya!! Miss you girls!!! --Team J
