Monday, October 25, 2010

burrata bummer

So we were too sick for the haunted hay ride. It would have been an hour drive both ways and then sitting in the good for fighting immune sysyems. I hate making responsible decisions. We did go to Coppa for dinner. It's one of Chef Oringers tapas place in the South End. We had Burrata, pork rillets, tuna sashimi, and mussel and squach fusilli with narsidium. Oh and risotto balls. The risotto balls were pretty good. Everything else was sadly a disappointment. Maybe we just have bad palettes? Bad palettes or not we didn't really love anything and we flat out hated the Burrata. (which is a cheese that is made by seperating and then reindroducing the curds and whey...i think) Oh well. We had a good time because we've been disgustingly in love lately. We wanted to try his other tapas restaurant Toro, but now I don't know. We're still definitly going to Clio, we just don't know when. Starting today I'm working six days in a row since we're understaffed until our new backwaiter Seth is fully trained. My manager promises that he'll probably cut me one of the days. I hoping I get cut tonight since Rach has the night off. She has tomorrow off too, but hopefully she can pick up the extra shift and we can both work. We have a groupon for a restaurant called "Aura" that we might check out tonight if I get cut. Its so unfortunate that I have to actually go to work before I get cut. The process of walking in just to walk out takes a little over an hour. I wish they would decided before hand and then call! Saturday night I got a great surprise though! My second cousins, Anthony and Sharon, came into Clio for dinner. They were going to surprise me but five minutes before they got there one of the backwaiters (who has English as a second language) accidentally ruined the surprise. She didn't really understand I think that she wasn't supposed to tell me. They sat and ate and had stuff sent out to them that I actually don't think they even wanted and it was really good to catch up. Hopefully Rach and I will get a chance to go up where they live (half hour north) and she can meet my moms side of the family. She'd really love them. Hopefully next time I blog it will start with "I got cut last night!". I may have just jinxed it. oops. -lj

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