Tuesday, September 28, 2010

We asked for an adventure...

As most of you probably know by now the adventurers have had a series of unfortunate events occur. I guess in each place we go there will be a weekend from hell. Or maybe it's just my bad luck?? In Denver I was in urgent care twice in three days for a jammed thumb and food poisoning and lost my grandfather within that same week. Now in Boston some jerk breaks in to steal the only expensive things I own as well as my hard earned cash and leaves his filthy muddy boot print on our kitchen table. I know I should be in the process of getting over this traumatic event but the anger and frustration are lingering. Of course in my crazy mind I think this person has specifically been watching me, considering he strategically left behind jo's computer, ipod, camera, etc. Despite that they were technically my things, everything that we own is ours and this has been just as daunting on Joanna. Not to mention now that every peep that we hear we turn our heads quickly in fear someone is there. We talk about it a lot, we try and rack our brains to figure out why someone would do this. Hell, since they have my of course unlocked computer they could be reading this right now!! I don't even care about the stuff, honestly. It's just stuff. But it's the memories on the computer. Every picture that we have taken thus far in our adventures as well as in the past 3 years of our relationship. I know i know I'm supposed to have backed it up, but we didn't. Also, the cash hurts. When you're working everyday to just make enough and someone comes and takes it!! And the next morning to top it off I'm standing in the kitchen after maybe 5 minutes total of sleep when a mouse runs across the floor!!! Ok... now i'm just venting and i should save that for a therapist. So... after all this crap, and actually very nice and helpful police (despite them being able to catch him or get our stuff back), we have made progress in forgetting it happened. We went out yesterday to get a few "Fall" items for our apartment, including pumpkin and apple scented candles =) nothing says home like those i'll tell ya. So while Jo was at work I cleaned this place top to bottom. Re-arranged a bit and attempted to wipe out the bad and move in the good. We have a day off together Thursday which we are really looking forward too. It only comes once a week if we are lucky and it has actually been two weeks since we've had one off together alone. We plan on going to the aquarium!!! Jo's fave. Then maybe a movie with our free passes that the chef family of my previous restaurant gave us. Then who knows. We're trying to stay positive and just think of this as a temporary bump in our journey. Thanks for reading. I actually feel better already =) Hope everyone has a good week. Love, Rachie

1 comment:

  1. I'm so, so sorry. Wish I could give you both a
    big hug...............or make you dinner!
