Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dear Mr. Blog

Ok Mr. Blog man... I am not good at writing on you haha But I promise to try harder for those who don't have facebook and can only read the blog. Hi everyone!!!! We made it to Denver on Sunday =) It really is amazing here. We live in what I think is the Brooklyn of Denver. It's only a couple miles north of Downtown and is really nice. There are two streets (32nd ave and Tennyson) that have all sorts of restaurants, coffee shops and other little shops. The mountains are breath taking. The weather has been cold and weird. The "locals" say that this is abnormal for here and it should be much better. So... we've been helping our roommate Betty get through and organize her endless boxes. We thought 7 years worth of stuff was a lot... times that by about 5. But we've had fun. After all, organizing is my favorite. Oh well Wine has helped too haha The night that we arrived I finally felt the feeling that I've been waiting for. I felt so free and light and ready for anything. The "We made it" feeling is just indescribable. However, by the next morning I was back to my old ways of worrying, planning, questioning and craziness. But thanks to my lovely girlfriend I realized that I am going to ruin this whole thing if I don't allow myself to sit back and enjoy it. So i've changed my mood, and gone with the flow. I'm just as scared and uncertain as a lot of other people my age. I have no clue where I'm going to work but that's ok. We're not really spending a lot at all. Everything is so so so so so much cheaper. But there are plenty of jobs to be had. The weather held us back cuz it was so cold and rainy. Ok i'm giving excuses... we're going out tomorrow!! haha Sunday we plan on going hiking with Julie... On joey's birthday Julie planned a volunteer thing for the three of us =) and on July 13th we got 4 tickets to Lilith Fair which is cool and you should look it up and read about it. We joined 24-hour fitness today because we feel gross from not working out or working... its month to month and only $60 for the two of us. Amazing and worth it if you ask me =) YOGA AND BOOT CAMP HERE WE COME haha Now that Jo and I finally have some alone time we are really enjoying eachother. I didn't realize how used to "us" time we got until we were surrounded by people for 3 weeks straight. No offense to anyone of course. I love and miss my friends and family and NYC a lot. Even more than I expected. I have a lot of irreplaceable people in my life. Hopefully I can just add to my long list =) Well, i'm rambling and very out of order but at least here's an idea of what is happening. I miss chicken sandwiches... i miss the subway... The mountains look fake... people are so nice here... THERE ARE POT STORES!!!!...i don't even smoke but thats cool haha... oh and one beer gets you drunk cuz of the altitude. Ok gotta run... i'm hungry. Oh apparently the altitude make me starving all the time... yet makes joanna not hungry. Great haha. Ok love you all!!!!! xoxoxoxoox Rachieee poo***

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